Senin, 24 Mei 2010

..Lets talk about FRIEND..

a simple FRIEND has never seen you cry
a real FRIEND has shoulder soggy from your tears

a simple FRIEND hates it when you call after he has gone to bed
a real FRIEND asks you why you took so long to call

a simple FRIEND wonders about your romantic history
a real FRIEND could blackmail you with it

a simple FRIEND, when visiting, acts like a guest
a real FRIEND opens ur refrigerator and help himself

a simple FRIEND sees to talk with u about ur problem
a real FRIEND seek to help u with ur problem

a simple FRIEND thinks the friendship is over when u have an argument
a real FRIEND knows that its not a FRIENDSHIP until after u've had a fight

a simple FRIEND expects u to always be there for them
a real FRIEND expects to always be there for u

*GOD... i wish i could be a real FRIEND and have a real FRIEND. amen.*

9 komentar:

  1. Mmmm... ngopi, paste, edit dari mana neeh..?

  2. jiaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh... ini tuh buah pikiran sendiri bang henry. ahahaaa. *percaya ga?*

  3. nobody can be trusted. even yourself. so, there's NO TRUE FRIEND or TRUE LOVE. but there's TRUE FAMILY. your family is your TRUE friend.

  4. hmm... sampai saat ini gw masih percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan: TRUE in evrythin. LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, etc including FAMILY.

    sorry... i have my own opinion hong. and nothin or nobody can change that. :)

  5. hmm... sampai saat ini gw masih percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan: TRUE in evrythin. LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, etc including FAMILY.

    sorry... i have my own opinion hong. and nothin or nobody can change that. :)

  6. setiap org punya opini, gw gak ganggu2 opini lo kok song :D mari berkembang dengan cara kita sendiri2.

  7. amiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn. makasih ya buat pengertiannya. haha. *najis tralalallaaa*

  8. eh ini lo yang bikin ri?
    (memastikan, bukan ga percaya :P)
